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xpath simple understanding example

I have got this xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="positions-zaehlweise.css"?>

and this xpath query:


I am getting from this query: A and B.

but i somehow dont understand how it does this. With /descendant-or-self it is taking as self the A, right? then it goes down the list and takes all. then how does it compare, my vision is this:

self             descendant
A,D                 B, C

am i right? can someone please explain me in short how this worked? thanks in tons


  • /child::ul returns the ul.

    descendant-or-self::* returns self (ul again) plus all its descendants (li-A, li-ol, ol, li-B, li-C, li-D).

    child::li moves to children of the previous elements that are li, which means li-A, li-ol and li-D for ul, andli-Bandli-Cforol`.

    [position()=1] only selects those that are the first such child, i.e. li-A and li-B.