I am trying to generate a list of 7 letter words in python that satisfy the following conditions:
Hence the following are valid examples:
I'm using the following piece of code, but wondering how to generate words meeting the 3rd criteria. Any help/pointers would be awesome!
from string
from itertools import product
for n in range (7,8):
for arr in product(string.ascii_uppercase, repeat=n):
print ''.join(arr)
Generic solution. Just create a mask, and it will do the rest for you :)
from string import ascii_uppercase
from itertools import product
def gen_words(mask):
replace = mask.count('?')
mask = mask.replace('?', '{}')
for letters in product(ascii_uppercase, repeat=replace):
yield mask.format(*letters)
>>> list(gen_words('?Z'))
['AZ', 'BZ', 'CZ', 'DZ', 'EZ', 'FZ', 'GZ', 'HZ', 'IZ', 'JZ', 'KZ', 'LZ', 'MZ', 'NZ', 'OZ', 'PZ', 'QZ', 'RZ', 'SZ', 'TZ', 'UZ', 'VZ', 'WZ', 'XZ', 'YZ', 'ZZ']