I'm pretty new to AngularJS and I'm trying to migrate the following piece of jQuery code to AngularJS.
$('#someid').on('click', 'someclass', function() {
My HTML that I began converting to AngularJS looks something like
<ul id='someid'>
<li ng-repeat="...">
<li class="someclass">{{ ... }}</li>
<li style="display:none">the part that will be slideToggle'd</li>
Elements are added to the ng-repeat list dynamically when the user interacts with the app, hence the jQuery.on(). I'm OK using an unstable version of AngularJS if it helps.
How should I rewrite the jQuery fragment in AngularJS? I've tried a few things now including adding a new directive, playing with ng-animate, etc. But when I added jQuery code into my ng controller, that started to look ugly -- I'd like to avoid anything hybrid.
Thanks a lot!
One way to do that would be by writing a directive but ideally you should use ng-animate along with ng-show:
Firstly, toggle a property inside ng-click that you would keep on the "li" with the class "someclass":
<li class="someclass" ng-click="item.isVisible = !item.isVisible;">{{item.name}}</li>
and then use ng-show along with ng-animate on the part that would be slideToggle'd.
<li ng-show="item.show" ng-animate="'animate'" style="display:none">the part that will be slideToggle'd</li>
You would also need to write the animation css class for ng-animate to work.
Hope this helps.