I am calculating the width of a JPanel from within its paintComponent() method. The calculation works, but the JPanel doesn´t have the preferred size. If I resize the window, everything is like it is supposed to be and the JPanel has the right size. I was trying to put the repaint() method in different places (e.g. in the constructor of the JPanel or the JFrame it is enbedded in), but I didn´t find a solution, that would show the frame with the correct size.
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.setFont(new Font("SANS_SERIF",Font.PLAIN,14));
FontMetrics metrics;
boxwidth = ... dependent on width and height of some Strings
if (getPreferredSize().getWidth()<boxwidth+100){
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(boxwidth+100,600));
I would like to know, wheter I can set the preferred size from within the paintComponent() method or if I can get the metrics somehow else, to be able to calculate boxwidth outside of paintComponent().
Thanks, Michael.
Call pack() on your JFrame after you've set preferred sizes, it will resize the JFrame to fit preferred sizes of all sub-components, it's quite annoying how well hidden that method is.