I am trying divide two integers and get a floating point number, then display the floating in a results section. Problem is, that it now displays as a really large integer, and I have no idea if I am doing it right.
floatVal REAL4 0.0f
numCount SDWORD 0
nextNum SDWORD 0
totalSum SDWORD 0
averageNum SDWORD ?
code in question:
fild totalSum
fidiv numCount
fstp floatVal
then later to display:
mov edx, OFFSET average_1
call WriteString
mov eax, floatVal
call WriteDec
call CrLf
I am using the irvine32 library, and this is my first attempt at trying to use float in assembly language.
While a 32 bit float accidentally fits into the eax
register, the WriteDec
function expects an integer and hence interprets the bit pattern as such producing unintended output. Floats do not directly map to integers that way.
You should either convert the result to integer or find a way to print floats.
If you are just interested whether you are doing it right use a debugger. The code you posted seems correct, by the way.