I have a very simple story board . There is no code involved in this yet. The problem I am having is that when I change the transition to "Flip Horizontal" the text fields get disabled for some reason (i.e. clicking on the text field does not bring up the keyboard). This is triggered when with the following sequence: click on text field keyboard pops up -> hit next -> click on text field keyboard pops up -> hit back click on text field -> keyboard no longer pops up
After that going between the screens and clicking on text fields does not work (i.e. the keyboard doesn't pop up). It works fine if I use default transition.
Any ideas on why this is happening?
I'm not sure this is your problem, but your storyboard setup is wrong. It looks like you're going back and forth with modal segues. Every time you do that you're creating a new instance of the view controller you're going to, so you're piling up more and more controllers, none of which ever gets deallocated. Unless you're using an unwind segue, you should never go backwards in a storyboard with segues. So, when going from the controller you show on the right back to ViewController, you should just use [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:] in code, and get rid of the segue.