I am having issues with this multiprocess script I modeled it after the one I found here http://broadcast.oreilly.com/2009/04/pymotw-multiprocessing-part-2.html
class test_imports:#Test classes remove
def import_1(self, control_queue, thread_number):
print ("Import_1 number %d started") % thread_number
run = True
count = 1
while run:
alive = control_queue.get()
if alive == 't1kill':
print ("Killing thread type 1 number %d") % thread_number
run = False
print ("Thread type 1 number %d run count %d") % (thread_number, count)
count = count + 1
def worker_generator(control_queue, threadName, runNum):
if threadName == 'one':
print ("Starting import_1 number %d") % runNum
p = Process(target=test_import.import_1, args=(control_queue, runNum))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Establish communication queues
control = multiprocessing.Queue()
runNum = int(raw_input("Enter a number: "))
threadNum = int(raw_input("Enter number of threads: "))
threadName = raw_input("Enter number: ")
thread_Count = 0
print ("Starting threads")
for i in range(threadNum):
worker_generator(control, threadName, i)
thread_Count = thread_Count + 1
time.sleep(runNum)#let threads do their thing
print ("Terminating threads")
for i in range(thread_Count):
This is the error I get when I run it:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "multiQueue.py", line 62, in <module>
worker_generator(control, threadName, i)
File "multiQueue.py", line 34, in worker_generator
p = Process(target=test_import.import_1, args=(control_queue, runNum))
NameError: global name 'Process' is not defined`
I know where it is, but I took that process call from known good code so I don't think it is a syntax error. Any help?
You probably did import multiprocessing
. Which is fine, because in your code, you actually did:
But, when doing Process()
, you forgot to put multiprocessing.
before it.
However, you can also fix this by importing the classes directly:
from multiprocessing import Queue, Process
But then you would have to change multiprocessing.Queue()
to just Queue()