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Gnuplot with surface plot and points

I tried to do it like suggested in other posts. But the points were not printed. Where is my mistake:

set decimalsign locale
set datafile separator ";"

set table 'point_data.dat'
    unset dgrid3d
    splot './points.csv' u 1:2:3
unset table

#set pm3d implicit at s
#set pm3d interpolate 1,1 flush begin noftriangles hidden3d 100 corners2color mean
set dgrid3d 50,50,50

set output 'field.pdf'

splot './point_data.dat' u 1:2:3 w points pt 7, \
      './field.csv' u 2:1:3 with lines lt 5 lc rgb "#000000"

set output

Thanks for Help


  • I assume your issue is the datafile separator.
    If you look at the point_data.datfile, I'm sure it will list your points in columns but not separated by ;. Thus, when you attempt to plot both the point_data.dat and the field.csv (which I assume is separated by ; as well), the points will most likely not be plotted because gnuplot cannot interpret the point_data.dat-file (which uses the default separator of " ").
    There are two ways to overcome this:

    1. Do not use set datafile separator. Instead, use awk to remove the ; while plotting:

      set decimalsign locale
      set table 'point_data.dat'
      unset dgrid3d
      splot "< awk 'BEGIN {FS=\";\"} {print $1, $2, $3}' points.csv" u 1:2:3
      unset table
      set dgrid3d 50,50,50
      splot "point_data.dat" u 1:2:3 w points pt 7, \
            "< awk 'BEGIN {FS=\";\"} {print $1, $2, $3}' field.csv" u 2:1:3 with lines lt 5 lc rgb "#000000"

      A few things to notice:

      • inside the awk-command, do not forgot to use backslashes with the quotation marks: \" or else it will mess up the command (and result in an error).
      • consider unsing not to suppress a legend entry or use a defined title (e.g. title "points"), otherwise the whole awk-command will be printed as title.
    2. You can use the multiplot-command (and skip the set table):

      set datafile separator ";"
      set xrange [xmin:xmax]
      set yrange [ymin:ymax]
      set zrange [zmin:zmax]
      set multiplot
      splot "points.csv" u 1:2:3 w points pt 7 not
      set dgrid3d 50,50,50
      splot "field.csv" u 2:1:3 with lines lt 5 lc rgb "#000000" not
      unset dgrid3d
      unset multiplot

      A few things to notice:

      • use not to print without legend, or else they will overlap. If you need a legend, you cannot use multiplot like this, because they will overlap.
      • set the xrange, yrange and zrange before you plot, or else the axis ranges might not agree. (Be sure to replace xminetc with the actual values from your data range).