I have this web site URL: http://www.erusma.org that is a multilanguage website, infact opening this URL I obtain the following address: http://www.erusma.org/en/default.html
Looking at the source code of the page it's not clear what CMS is used to build this website.
I need to know this information and I think that I can infer it from the previous address that is in the form: sitename/language/page.html
Could they have used WordPress? Looking in this tutorial seems that the previous address form is a multilanguage WordPress site that use a rewrite rule but I am not sure
What do you think? Can I deduct from the address, what CMS is used? Or it could be in Joomla? To what extent would my deduction be precise?
I'm not sure how it works with multilanguage plugin, but the easiest way to check if site is based on Wordpress is to add /wp-admin to site's URL.
Ex: you want to check if http://www.spidersweb.pl/ is WP. Add /wp-admin, so the URL is: http://www.spidersweb.pl/wp-admin
AFAIR to check if site is based on Joomla add /administrator
Your site uses neither WP nor Joomla, or this multilanguage plugin changes default login URL.