I am trying to manually install JCL
and jvcl
for delphi xe2.
I have installed JCL as directed and it seems to have installed with no issues. Now I try to load the JVCL package 16 , it opens delphi and starts to load libarys, When it gets to the Jedi code Library MPL1.1 i start to get errors like below
Error reading form frmJucolorProviderDesigner
-class tjvcontextprovider not found
Ingnore Cancel Ingnore all
this is not the only one i get quite a few ill post a few more in case it helps
Error reading form JvStandardActions
-tjvSendMailAction not found
-tjvwebaction not found
Error reading form jvCheckItemsEditor
-tjvCheckListBox not found
Error reading form JvControlActoinsDM
-tjvControlcollapseAction not found
-TjvControlexpandAction not found
-TjvControlExportAction not found
-tjvControlOptimizeColumnsAction not found
-TjvControlCustomizeColumnsAction not found
-TjvControlPrintAction not found
Error reading form jvSpeedBarEditorMain
-jvFormStorage not found
-AppRegistryStorage not found
ect... I can add rest if you need.
But each - is its own dialog box with [ignore][cancel][ignore all]
Now after I press Ignore 50 times it will finally load the project, when i try to build all the projects for JVCl package it says required package jcl not found.
in library path i have
in browsing path i have
and in DCU debug path i have
after adding
..jcl\lib\d16\win32, which contains the 32 bit jcl.dcp
The solution is to change the uses
to use a fully qualified name:
{$IFDEF JvInterpreter_OLEAUTO}
OleConst, ActiveX,
{$IFDEF VER230} system.win.ComObj, {$ELSE} ComObj, {$ENDIF}
Now it compiles without error.