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Creating scrolling images with prototype and

I am trying to animate images of clouds on my website to slowly move through my header, as on using prototype and I can't get the effect right as it is too fast, appears to rise towards the end, isn't smooth and it won't repeat after the first run. For some reason I can't post the link in the question box, so see my comment below :)


  • Firstly use transition: Effect.Transitions.linear as that will make it smooth

    plus you are running the interval at 1 second (1000 milliseconds) but telling the Move Effect to last for 5 seconds - this will confuse the heck out of the javascript

    Then you need to reset the position of the element you are moving - use the afterFinish callback to do so

    I'm not sure the exact reason it is rising - but if you use the relative mode and just use an x parameter it does not rise

    take a look at my edits to your fiddle

    I'm assuming your goal is multiple clouds - I would look at the Parallel Effects option so they are all running on the same timer