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Libgdx Version Nightly Build or Release Build? Action Package Different

I have been working with Libgdx for some time now (part time only). Just recently I had to use Actions in my game. I found out some tutorials/examples online and when I tried to implement them in my project, some functions were not recognized by the compiler.

I particularly ran into problem with SequenceAction i-e the (Overridden) constructors weren't there for my current libgdx. So I went online to see this doc and there they were, all constructors. Also, refer to this screen shot:

enter image description here

So, I simply downloaded the latest version. i-e libgdx-0.9.8 from here But when I opened the docs locally, I couldn't see those constructors again...

Here's a screenshot of my PC browsing that docs.

enter image description here

As u can see, there are no constructors which are there, just one default Constructor.

Next, I downloaded the libgdx-nightly-latest version from here (as the online api also shows nighly docs) and I found those constructors there. Same is the case with ParallelAction class

Now coming to my questions:

  1. How is the latest release build usually different as compared to nightly builds?
  2. Is this problem valid or am i just too sleepy to miss something here?
  3. Which one should I use in my project?


  • The Libgdx nightly builds have a lot of API changes accumulated in them (its been a while since the 0.9.8 release). Mario & Co. try to document any such API changes in blog posts, so if you're following the nightly builds, you'll definitely want to keep up with the blog. The "CHANGES" file in the nightly distribution also has notes on what has changed (but I think this may not have some early changes in it).

    Its hard to know what version a 3rd party blog or article is talking about if they don't explicitly list the version. You can sometimes go by the date on the article, though.

    Anyway, I think its safe to use either the "stable" build or the nightlies. There are non-trivial API changes when switching between the two versions, so you'll want to stick with one for a while, but these changes are almost always a good idea for all involved. (The Libgdx maintainers don't take API changes lightly, but they don't rule them out either, yet -- presumably that will change with version 1.0.0.).