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I need to test my app on different virtual devices

So I'm currently helping to develop an app and I've been asked to test it on as many devices (virtual/non virtual) as possible and then make it adjust it to as many different screen sizes and even tablets as possible.

Now I'm not sure where exactly to start because I don't know if Android Virtual Device Manager in Eclipse has every possible screen combination.

So, would setting up and running all of the 21 virtual devices in Eclipse do the job? Or is there something else I should try doing? Any kind of information would be helpful, thank you!


  • You need to weigh up how much virtual testing will achieve the desired amount of consistency you want between all possible device screens, testing on as much devices as possible would simply be a waste of your time because many devices have similar screen densities, resolutions and features that don't really effect how your view is presented unless you have placed your objects at static points. For example using pixel (px) measurements instead of density independent pixel (dp) measurements when setting your views.

    My advice would be to set up about 10 AVD's with varying screen sizes, densities and features. Test your app on these and collate any oddities you spot between each device. If they are occurring at a specific resolution or screen density then you can begin to narrow down the possible reasons why the oddity is occurring.

    Of course there isn't any real replacement for a physical device so the more physical devices you can test on the better.