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Devise - Make a request without resetting the countdown until a user is logged out due to inactivity

I'm working on a RoR app with Devise. I want to let clients send a request to the server to see how much time is left until the user on the client is automatically logged out due to inactivity (using the Timeoutable module). I don't want this request to cause Devise to reset the countdown until the user is logged off. How can I configure this?

This is the code I have now:

class SessionTimeoutController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :authenticate_user!

  # Calculates the number of seconds until the user is
  # automatically logged out due to inactivity. Unlike most
  # requests, it should not reset the timeout countdown itself.
  def check_time_until_logout
    @time_left = current_user.timeout_in

  # Determines whether the user has been logged out due to
  # inactivity or not. Unlike most requests, it should not reset the
  # timeout countdown itself.
  def has_user_timed_out
    @has_timed_out = current_user.timedout? (

  # Resets the clock used to determine whether to log the user out
  # due to inactivity.
  def reset_user_clock
    # Receiving an arbitrary request from a client automatically
    # resets the Devise Timeoutable timer.
    head :ok

SessionTimeoutController#reset_user_clock works because every time RoR receives a request from an authenticated user, Timeoutable#timeout_in is reset to whatever I have configured in Devise#timeout_in. How do I prevent that reset in check_time_until_logout and has_user_timed_out?


  • I ended up having to make several changes to my code. I'll show what I ended up with when I was finished, then explain what it does:

    class SessionTimeoutController < ApplicationController
      # These are what prevent check_time_until_logout and
      # reset_user_clock from resetting users' Timeoutable
      # Devise "timers"
      prepend_before_action :skip_timeout, only: [:check_time_until_logout, :has_user_timed_out]
      def skip_timeout
        request.env["devise.skip_trackable"] = true
      skip_before_filter :authenticate_user!, only: [:has_user_timed_out]
      def check_time_until_logout
        @time_left = Devise.timeout_in - ( - user_session["last_request_at"]).round
      def has_user_timed_out
        @has_timed_out = (!current_user) or (current_user.timedout? (user_session["last_request_at"]))
      def reset_user_clock
        # Receiving an arbitrary request from a client automatically
        # resets the Devise Timeoutable timer.
        head :ok

    These are the changes I made:

    Using env["devise.skip_trackable"]

    This is the code that prevents Devise from resetting how long it waits before logging a user out due to inactivity:

      prepend_before_action :skip_timeout, only: [:check_time_until_logout, :has_user_timed_out]
      def skip_timeout
        request.env["devise.skip_trackable"] = true

    This code changes a hash value that Devise uses internally to decide whether to update the value it stores to keep track of when the user last had activity. Specifically, this is the Devise code we're interacting with (link):

    Warden::Manager.after_set_user do |record, warden, options|
      scope = options[:scope]
      env   = warden.request.env
      if record && record.respond_to?(:timedout?) && warden.authenticated?(scope) && options[:store] != false
        last_request_at = warden.session(scope)['last_request_at']
        if record.timedout?(last_request_at) && !env['devise.skip_timeout']
          if record.respond_to?(:expire_auth_token_on_timeout) && record.expire_auth_token_on_timeout
          throw :warden, :scope => scope, :message => :timeout
        unless env['devise.skip_trackable']
          warden.session(scope)['last_request_at'] =

    (Note that this code is executed every time that Rails processes a request from a client.)

    These lines near the end are interesting to us:

        unless env['devise.skip_trackable']
          warden.session(scope)['last_request_at'] =

    This is the code that "resets" the countdown until the user is logged out due to inactivity. It's only executed if env['devise.skip_trackable'] is not true, so we need to change that value before Devise processes the user's request.

    To do that, we tell Rails to change the value of env['devise.skip_trackable'] before it does anything else. Again, from my final code:

      prepend_before_action :skip_timeout, only: [:check_time_until_logout, :has_user_timed_out]
      def skip_timeout
        request.env["devise.skip_trackable"] = true

    Everything above this point is what I needed to change to answer my question. There were a couple other changes I needed to make to get my code to work as I wanted, though, so I'll document them here, too.

    Using Timeoutable Correctly

    I misread the documentation about the Timeoutable module, so my code in my question has a couple other problems.

    First, my check_time_until_logout method was going to always return the same value. This is the incorrect version of the action I had:

    def check_time_until_logout
      @time_left = current_user.timeout_in

    I thought that Timeoutable#timeout_in would return the amount of time until the user was automatically logged out. Instead, it returns the amount of time that Devise is configured to wait before logging users out. We need to calculate how much longer the user has left ourselves.

    To calculate this, we need to know when the user last had activity that Devise recognized. This code, from the Devise source we looked at above, determines when the user was last active:

        last_request_at = warden.session(scope)['last_request_at']

    We need to get a handle to the object returned by warden.session(scope). It looks like the user_session hash, which Devise provides for us like the handles current_user and user_signed_in?, is that object.

    Using the user_session hash and calculating the time remaining ourselves, the check_time_until_logout method becomes

      def check_time_until_logout
        @time_left = Devise.timeout_in - ( - user_session["last_request_at"]).round

    I also misread the documentation for Timeoutable#timedout?. It checks to see if the user has timed out when you pass in the time the user was last active, not when you pass in the current time. The change we need to make is straightforward: instead of passing in, we need to pass in the time in the user_session hash:

      def has_user_timed_out
        @has_timed_out = (!current_user) or (current_user.timedout? (user_session["last_request_at"]))

    Once I made these three changes, my controller acted the way I expected it to.