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how use primefaces and prettyfaces together?

Primefaces doesn't work when primefaces and pretty face use together. I add flowing jar:


My web.xml code:

    <filter-name>Pretty Filter</filter-name>

    <filter-name>Pretty Filter</filter-name> 

My pretty-config.xml code:

<rewrite match="^[^(/primefaces_resource/)|^(javascript)]" trailingSlash="append"  toCase="lowercase" redirect="301"/>
<url-mapping id="home"> 
    <pattern value="/" /> 
    <view-id value="/" />

This image is whithou prittyface( jar and configure): enter image description here

when I add pretty face jar .then flowing view: enter image description here

I want to change the url.



I want it to be changed as


please help me .


  • I use primefaces 3.5 with pretty faces 3.3.3 and works ok. The configuration in your web.xml seems to be ok. Make sure you place pretty-config.xml also in WEB-INF. About the pretty-config you posted: it doesn't make any sense to have a url-mapping where the pattern and the view-id are the same, so remove it. Also I don't have that rewrite rule, I have several mappings like the folowing:

    <url-mapping id="login">
        <pattern value="/login/">
        <view-id value="/login.jsf" />

    Did you try removing that rewrite rule to see what happens?