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What are the details in this UML instance?


So far these are the assumptions made, correct these assumptions if they are wrong.

  • A Mountain can have to 0 to Many classifications (Not sure if it's the converse)
  • 0 to Many Mountains have 0 to Many Routes
  • A Route has 0 to Many Parties
  • 0 to Many Parties have 1..6 walkers (Don't quite get this one)
  • 0 to Many Parties have a guide
  • A Guide can have 0 to Many Qualifications (Seems odd)


  • I see 2 issues with your interpretation:

    1. You interpret the multiplicity in a too direct way. Remember, UML is supposed to help to understand, not to obfuscate.
    2. The are several mistakes in your interpretation. In general, a 2-way relation can be translated to one or two sensible statements: X [m..n]---[k..l] Y will be read like this:

    X uses/addresses/utilizes/depends/etc. on k..l Y's

    Y uses/addresses/utilizes/depends/etc. on m..n X's

    I would translate your diagram to the following statements:

    • A classification can apply to any number of mountains and each mountain has a qualification
    • A mountain can be crossed by an arbitrary amount of routes and route can pass through an arbitrary amount of mountains
    • A route can be traveled by multiple parties and each party travels a specific single route
    • A party consists of 1 to 6 walkers and a walker can participate in any number of parties
    • A party is linked to a guide and a guide can be in charge of several parties
    • A qualification can apply to an arbitrary number of guides and each guide has a single qualification