The problem I'm having is that the filter will not accept the time part of a datetime.
For clarity,
This works.
" AND NextWorkDate <= #" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("dd.M.yyyy") + "#"
This doesnt work.
" AND NextWorkDate <= #" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("dd.M.yyyy H:mm:ss") + "#"
Whenever I try to include the time aspect of the datetime, the filter just doesnt work, it returns no rows.
I've tried it a thousand different ways and I really cant figure out why it won't take the damn time.
The datasource column that the filter is comparing to is a datetime with the format dd.M.yyyy H:mm:ss.
The database column is formatted completely differently, as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:fff
Could this be causing some problem along the line? I think it isn't because the filter is applied to the datasource, not the database.
The problem was my own foolishness. There was another class filtering the string before it went to the bindingsource.