I'm trying to appeal on a question I had on my exam the other day, about a B+tree.
The question was:
Consider a B+tree with l as factor (assuming l is positive and even), h>=0 as height (the root is considerto be 0) and n>=1 as the number of records.
There were 5 answers. 3 of them I eliminated immediately, and had to choose between these two:
h>1 ==> n >= 0.5*l*(l+1)
. The second direction is not guaranteed: it depends on the arrival order of the keys.I chose (2) and the lecturer says its option (1). I have the following example that I think contradicts it:
7 / \ 3 9 / \ / \ 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10
With l=4
, and h=2
I would really appreciate some help here. Is this example a good one to base my appeal on?
In general, what is the minimum number of records n
in a B+tree with height h
and factor l
Well, apparently I was right... The tree I showed is legal and is contrasting the lecturer's answer.
By inserting the following keys in that order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
and then taking 6
out of the tree will create a valid B+tree of height > 1
and n<10
This contradicts the h>1 ==> n >= 0.5*l*(l+1)
rule in the answer...
After many tries and lots of bureaucracy the lecturer accepted my answer and I got the points :)
Thanks for the try @Jonathan Leffler...