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ISO8583 message header in Trx library

I used Trx ISO 8583 library. This library sends message length in HEX. But I need to send 4 bytes of Ascii chars as message header. How to do that?


  • To change message header you should change NboFrameLengthSink class is in Trx=>Communication=>Sinks=>NboFrameLengthSink.cs

    Change in public void Send(PipelineContext context) function below code

    buffer.Write(true, _bytesInHeader == 2
                    ? new[] {(byte) (length >> 8), (byte) length}
                    : new[] {(byte) (length >> 24), (byte) (length >> 16), (byte) (length >> 8), (byte) (length)});


    string ls_length;
    ls_length = length.ToString("####").PadLeft(4,'0');
    byte[] ascii = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ls_length);
    buffer.Write(true, _bytesInHeader == 2
     ? new[] { (byte)(length >> 8), (byte)length }
     : ascii);


    in function public bool Receive(PipelineContext context)


    context.ExpectedBytes = ( header[0] << 24 ) | ( header[1] << 16 ) | ( header[2] << 8 ) | header[3];

    chage to

    context.ExpectedBytes = header[0] | header[1] | header[2] | header[3];

    If you need to send message in Ascii but bitmap as HEX do below:

    IN Iso8583Ascii1987.xml congif file change

    <!-- Add first bitmap -->
    <Invoke Name="Add">
      <Parameter Type="BitMapFieldFormatterFactory">
        <Property Name="FieldNumber" Value="0" />
        <Property Name="Description" Value="Primary bitmap" />
        <Property Name="Encoder" Reference="DataEncoderFactory" />
        <Property Name="LowerFieldNumber" Value="1" />
        <Property Name="UpperFieldNumber" Value="64" />
    <!-- Add secondary bitmap (field number 1) -->
    <Invoke Name="Add">
      <Parameter Type="BitMapFieldFormatterFactory">
        <Property Name="FieldNumber" Value="1" />
        <Property Name="Description" Value="Secondary bitmap" />
        <Property Name="Encoder" Reference="DataEncoderFactory" />
        <Property Name="LowerFieldNumber" Value="65" />
        <Property Name="UpperFieldNumber" Value="128" />