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PHP Mailer --- Reply-to: --- Return-path --- SetFrom

I am sending mail via PHP Mailer.

I want to be able to set the From to one emailand the REPLY-TO to another email and the RETURN-PATH to yet another.

Mainly.. I want the bounced emails to go to something like [email protected] I was hoping the RETURN PATH could do this.

And if a user who gets the email I don't want them to see its from BOUNCEDemails etc.. to I want to give them an option to reply to a real email address.

I need the bounced emails tho to go to a seperate email because I don't want the REPLY TO to get many bad emails. etc..

HERE IS WHAT I HAVE: Does Not work

$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'John Doe');
$mail->AddReplyTo('[email protected]', 'Reply to email');
$mail->SetFrom('[email protected]', 'From Name and Email');
$mail->AddCustomHeader('Return-path: [email protected]');

The code above replies to SetFrom and sends all bounces to SetFrom. Any ideas how to separate the two? Thanks


  • the correct way to set this (as of july 2013) is by using:

    $mail->ReturnPath='[email protected]';

    the phpmailer source contains the following, which is fairly self explanatory:

    if ($this->ReturnPath) {
      $result .= $this->HeaderLine('Return-Path', '<'.trim($this->ReturnPath).'>');
    } elseif ($this->Sender == '') {
      $result .= $this->HeaderLine('Return-Path', '<'.trim($this->From).'>');
    } else {
      $result .= $this->HeaderLine('Return-Path', '<'.trim($this->Sender).'>');