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modx: rewriting a getResources query in a snippet

I am fairly new to MODX and have been working on interfaces to talk to MODX. Now I got the following query:

    &tvFilters=`Related Artist==[[*Related Artist]]`

that I would like to translate to a snippet so I can call it with the API via the runSnippet() method.

I've gotten this far:

$output = '';
$id = !empty($id) ? $id : 0;

$modx= new modX();

$query = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
   'parent' => 679,
   'published' => 1,
   'Related Artists.value:=' => 603 // this will be replaced with $id when I get it to work...
$titles = $modx->getCollection('modResource',$query);

foreach ($titles as $k) {
    $output.= '<li>'.$k->get('pagetitle').'</li>'; // let's just get the titles first

return '<ul>'.$output.'</ul>';

this will not return anything and I think I am just not clear as to what the above query actually calls in MySQL terms. As var as I could tell it looks for entries that have either 679,663,641,799 or 590 as parent and the TV [[*Related Artist]] looks into a flied presumably called "Related Artist" for an exact match?!

Any help is appreciated here as I have been wrangling with the Book and online help for a couple days now ;) Thanks


  • I got it:

    $query = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
    $query->leftJoin('modTemplateVarResource', 'tv_value', 'tv_value.contentid =');
        'modResource.parent:IN' => array(663,679,641,799,590),
        'modResource.published' => 1,
        'tv_value.tmplvarid' => 13,
        'tv_value.value' => $ID // this has been replaced with a dynamic $id but was "603" in my question
    $titles = $modx->getCollection('modResource',$query);

    (13 is the ID of my TV)

    So I now understand how the joins work in xPDO ;) I hope this helps someone else some day