I am experimenting with MvcContrib subcontrollers. Looking at the example in the source, your parent controller (HomeController) takes an action which takes the subcontroller (FirstLevelSubController) as a parameter:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(FirstLevelSubController firstLevel)
ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";
return View();
In Home's index view, you call ViewData.Get like this to render the subcontroller and it's view:
<div style="border:dotted 1px blue">
<%=ViewData["text"] %>
<% ViewData.Get<Action>("firstLevel").Invoke(); %>
The subcontroller's action gets called (ignore the secondlevelcontroller, the example is just demonstrating how you can nest multiple subcontrollers):
public class FirstLevelSubController : SubController
public ViewResult FirstLevel(SecondLevelSubController secondLevel)
ViewData["text"] = "I am a first level controller";
return View();
This all works, the subcontroller's view gets rendered inside the parent view.
But what if I need other parameters in my home controller's action? For example, I may want to pass a Guid to my controller's index method:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(Guid someId, FirstLevelSubController firstLevel)
//Do something with someId
ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page";
return View();
There doesn't seem to be any way to do <% ViewData.Get("firstLevel").Invoke(); %> with parameters. So I can't figure out how to link to my controller from another controller passing a parameter like this:
Html.ActionLink<HomeController>(x => x.Index(someThing.Id), "Edit")
Perhaps I am approaching this the wrong way? How else can I get my parent controller to use a subcontroller, but also do interesting stuff like accept parameters / arguments?
Have a look at this blog post:
Passing objects to SubControllers
Note that SubControllers are deprecated. They have been replaced with RenderAction