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Action Script3 / Pixel Bender Compound Blur effect?

I need Action Script3 / Pixel Bender blur filter with mapping capability’s.

We have such image, we want to apply such blur map to get such result

alt text

Its also known as Compound Blur effect.

Has anyone seen it done with AS3/ Pixel Bender?

Does Anyone know where to download such effect with source?


  • The following .pbk should pretty much do it. You can take a look at the comments to see how you would deepen the blur effect.

    <languageVersion : 1.0;>
    kernel NewFilter
    <   namespace : "Your Namespace";
        vendor : "Your Vendor";
        version : 1;
        description : "your description";
        input image4 src1;
        input image4 src2;
        output pixel4 dst;
            float2 pos = outCoord();
            // based on the current whiteness of pixel in src2 blur by a percentage.
            float4 val = sampleNearest(src2,pos);
            float percent = val[0];
            // this takes into account only the closest level of pixels to make the blur more in depth 
            // you can add the next 16 or even the 24 after that. 
            float4 pix = sampleNearest(src1,pos);
            float4 pixNE = sampleNearest(src1,float2(pos.x+1.0, pos.y+1.0));
            float4 pixE = sampleNearest(src1,float2(pos.x+1.0, pos.y));
            float4 pixSE = sampleNearest(src1,float2(pos.x+1.0, pos.y-1.0));
            float4 pixS = sampleNearest(src1,float2(pos.x, pos.y-1.0));
            float4 pixSW = sampleNearest(src1,float2(pos.x-1.0, pos.y-1.0));
            float4 pixW = sampleNearest(src1,float2(pos.x-1.0, pos.y));
            float4 pixNW = sampleNearest(src1,float2(pos.x-1.0, pos.y+1.0));
            float4 pixN = sampleNearest(src1,float2(pos.x, pos.y+1.0));
            float4 result;
            // the result is the whiteness percentage of the original pixel averaged with the surrounding pixels.
            // if you added more of the surrounding pixels you can consider them in the weighted average also and get a deeper blur.
            result[0] = percent*pix[0]+(1.0-percent)*(pixNE[0]+pixE[0]+pixSE[0]+pixS[0]+pixSW[0]+pixW[0]+pixNW[0]+pixN[0])/8.0;
            result[1] = percent*pix[1]+(1.0-percent)*(pixNE[1]+pixE[1]+pixSE[1]+pixS[1]+pixSW[1]+pixW[1]+pixNW[1]+pixN[1])/8.0;
            result[2] = percent*pix[2]+(1.0-percent)*(pixNE[2]+pixE[2]+pixSE[2]+pixS[2]+pixSW[2]+pixW[2]+pixNW[2]+pixN[2])/8.0;
            result[3] = pix[3];
            dst = result;