I have a python application in which a function runs in a recursive loop and prints updated info to the terminal with each cycle around the loop, all is good until I try to stop this recursion.
It does not stop until the terminal window is closed or the application is killed (control-c is pressed) however I am not satisfied with that method.
I have a function which will stop the loop and exit the program it just never has a chance to get called in the loop, so I wish to assign it to a key so that when it is pressed it will be called.
What is the simplest method to assign one function to one or many keys?
You can intercept the ctrl+c
signal and call your own function at that time rather than
import signal
import sys
def exit_func(signal, frame):
'''Exit function to be called when the user presses ctrl+c.
Replace this with whatever you want to do to break out of the loop.
sys.exit(0) # remove this if you do not want to exit here
# register your exit function to handle the ctrl+c signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_func)
#loop forever
while True:
You should replace sys.exit(0)
with something more useful to you. You could raise an exception and that except
on it outside the loop body (or just finally
) to perform your cleanup actions.