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How to create facebook feed style cards in UITableView with Rubymotion?

I've been trying to recreate the facebook style feed using a UITableView without much success. My first idea was to add a new view to the cell that contained the 'card' but I have not been able to make this work. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I go about doing this?

My other concern is how do I make each cell vary in height dependant on content?

Attached is an image of the facebook UI to hopefully explain what I'm trying to achieve.

Facebook Feed UI


  • I would subclass UITableViewCell, extend initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: with custom initialization code, and override layoutSubviews to position everything based on your variable content.

    Based on a label's content and its UIFont, you can calculate its width and height.

    'Wow! Nice Photo!'.sizeWithFont(UIFont.fontWithName('Helvetica', size: 18.0))
     # CGSize width=144.0 height=22.0>

    Here's a template for how I would setup a variable UITableViewCell subclass:

    class AwesomeCell < UITableViewCell
      def initWithStyle(style, reuseIdentifier: reuse_identifier)
        super.tap do |cell|
          # initialize and add your subviews to contentView
      def layoutSubview
        # layout your subviews
      def calculated_height
        # calculate your height

    But as aceofspades pointed out, you should be aware of the performance impact of dynamically determining the height of UITableViewCells.

    If you can get away with showing a fixed number of lines within the label to keep the cell's overall height fixed, you'd get much better performance.

    Even creating a few different fixed height UITableViewCell subclasses and using the appropriate one based on the incoming content would probably yield a more performant UITableView.