I need to read some numbers in a database and write them into a text file using Perl.
In the table where are the numbers, the data format is defined as numeric (25,5)
(it reads 25 digits, including 5 decimals).
I format the numbers in my file with a sprintf "%.5f", $myvalue
to force 5 decimals and I just noticed that for greats values, there is a precision loss for numbers with more than 17 digits :
db = 123.12345
file = 123.12345 (OK)
db = 12345678901234891.12345
file = 12345678901234892.00000 (seems to be rounded to upper integer)
db = 12345678901234567890.12345
file = 12345678901234567000.00000 (truncation ?)
What is Perl's greatest precision for fixed decimal numbers?
I am aware of the concepts and limitations of floating point arithmetic in general, but I am not a Perl monk and I do not know the internals of Perl so I don't know if it is normal (or if it is related at all to floating point). I am not sure either if it is a internal limitation of Perl, or a problem related to the sprintf
Is there a workaround or a dedicated module that could help with that problem?
Some notable points :
Once again, I am finding a solution right after asking SO. I am putting my solution here, to help a future visitor :
$myout = sprintf "%.5f", $myvalue;
use Math::BigFloat;
$myout = Math::BigFloat->new($myvalue)->ffround( -5 )->bstr;