I want to share/sync my iMacros (.iim) with my colleagues.
The default folder where iMacros-files run is here:
The .iim file has the following name:
We can bookmark a iMacro in Firefox, for fast access.
If #example.iim is located in the default folder the iMacro will run with no problems.
Though, would rather have some of my iMacros located within Dropbox:
According to http://wiki.imacros.net/iMacros_for_Firefox#Bookmarking %5C stands for / and %23 stands for #.
Tried to bookmark that look like this:
But this gives me following error:
iMacros run command: macro C:\Users\Lui\Dropbox\Company\Tech\Tools\iMacros\Macros\#example.iim not found
Anyone know if this even is possible?
Check in the options of imacros.