I have a many-to-many
relationship. Entities are Actor
and Pys
(Films and TV shows). When I want the cast of film the relation works fine (returns all the actor and actress of a film) but the problem comes when I want to retrive all the films of an actor.
This is the relation in the phpmyadmin:
This is the error that appear:
Key "actor" for array with keys "0" does not exist in ActorBundle:Default:actor.html.twig at line 3
Here the necessary code:
Actor's DefaultController
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function peliculasAction($actId)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$peliculas = $em->getRepository('ActorBundle:Actor')->findPeliculas($actId);
return $this->render('ActorBundle:Default:actor.html.twig', array('peliculas' => $peliculas
class ActorRepository extends EntityRepository
public function findPeliculas($actId)
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$consulta = $em->createQuery('
SELECT p, d, a
FROM ActorBundle:Actor a
JOIN a.pys p JOIN p.director d
WHERE a.actId = :actId
$consulta->setParameter('actId', $actId);
return $consulta->setHint(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Gedmo\\Translatable\\Query\\TreeWalker\\TranslationWalker')->getResult();
{% block title %}{{ peliculas.actor.actNombre ~ ' ' ~ peliculas.actor.actApellidos }}{% endblock %}
{% block article %}
<section class="article">
<div id="datos-actor-director-genero">
<strong>{{ 'Nombre:' | trans }} </strong>{{ peliculas.actor.actNombre ~ ' ' ~ peliculas.actor.actApellidos }}</br>
<strong>{{ 'Fecha de nacimiento:' | trans }} </strong>{{ peliculas.actor.actFechaNacimiento | localizeddate('long', 'none') }}
{% for pys in peliculas %}
<tr id="fechaVotacion">
<td colspan="4">{{ pys.pysAnyo }}</td>
You are getting a doctrine collection from
So in Twig, peliculas
is a collection too, do a for..in
or peliculas[0]
if you only want the first element.
has no key actor
, only numbres (0 : first actor, 1 : second actor, etc...)