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what are the steps to implement the slide menu in android or there are any codes

I need to create an application with unknown activities. this application is the slide menu . i want to implement a simple slide menu as the one in the iphone(facebook) ,,but i wanna to do this in android ,, someones tells me to use the including layout in my application and in this object i have zero information and i find some complicated codes which confused me any one can help me a sample ?? all i need is a sample example to under stand the idea of sliding menu , please any help if there isn't any piece of code i hope to tell me the steps to implement it please i want a help What is the right way to handle this?


    • In the layout file of your activity use Relative layout as root layout.
    • At the bottom of the layout file before closing the root write the View/layoutof your slide menu. Writing at bottom keeps the menu on top of other views.
    • Keep the visiblity of the slide menu layout GONE so that its initially not visible
    • On click of a button on screen animate the slide menu into screen making it visible in onStart() of the animation that brings it in (You can use translate animation for this)