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Magical Record cascade delete (truncateAll) not deleting

I'm using Magical Record in my app.

I have a relationship...

Competition <-->> League

i.e. A Competition can have many Leagues. A League can only have one Competition.

The delete rule from Competition to League is set to Cascade. The inverse delete rule is set to Nullify.

What I would expect to happen is if I delete a Competition then all Leagues that belong to it are deleted also. (I have used this in previous apps successfully).

I am testing by doing...

  1. Download and insert all competitions and leagues.
  2. Log all Leagues with Competition names.

    NSArray *leagues = [League findAll];
    for (League *league in *leagues)
        NSLog(@"%@ - %@",,;
    e.g. Man UTD - Premier League
  3. run the following code...

    [Competition truncateAll];
  4. Log all Leagues with Competition names.

    e.g. Man UTD - (null)

I was expecting this to delete the Leagues as well as the Competitions?

Is my assumption correct in what it should do? Why isn't it doing it?


  • The relationship delete rules are applied when the managed object context is saved, or processPendingChanges is called.

    As can be seen in the implementation, the MagicalRecord method MR_truncateAll calls deleteObject on all objects of an entity, but does not save the context.