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Should we register a node daily in selenium grid?

Do we need to register a node every time in selenium grid ? I registered a node today and ran the test cases, tomorrow when i come i don't want to register it again, instead i just want to run the test cases. How to achieve this ??


  • My own knowledge from running hub and nodes:

    I have dedicated machine to run hub and nodes. I started hub and registered nodes and then did some tests. After sucessful run, I kept running the node and hub on that machine.

    Next day, I realised that everything runs and I can continue the testing.

    So general advice:

    • keep the nodes running. It will consume some processor time and RAM, but it will make your testing faster
    • If you want, you can make the node as service. See this SO question: Selenium Grid 2 - Start Node as a windows service
    • Down side is that it will consume some resources of the machine. But that is the decission you have to make...