I cannot for the life of me figure out why myRect.origin.x and myRect.origin.y are displaying values of 0. Apologies for the breadth of code, I did remove some things that were clearly not relevant but wasn't so sure on other things. Also, I know that my intersect method doesn't yet work properly but I'm working on it.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class XYPoint;
@interface Rectangle: GraphicObject
@property float height, width;
-(XYPoint*) origin;
-(void) setOrigin: (XYPoint*) pt;
-(float) area;
-(float) perimeter;
-(void) setHeight: (float) h andWidth: (float) w;
-(void) translate: (XYPoint*) t;
-(BOOL) containspoint: (XYPoint*) aPoint;
-(Rectangle*) intersect: (Rectangle*) intr;
@interface XYPoint: NSObject
@property float x,y;
-(void) setX:(float) xVal andY:(float) yVal;
#import "Rectangle.h"
@implementation Rectangle
XYPoint *origin;
@synthesize width, height;
-(float) area
return width*height;
-(float) perimeter
return 2*(width*height);
-(void) setHeight:(float) h andWidth: (float) w
width = w;
height = h;
-(void) setOrigin:(XYPoint *)pt
origin = pt;
-(XYPoint*) origin
return origin;
-(void) translate:(XYPoint *)t
origin = t;
-(BOOL) containspoint:(XYPoint *)aPoint
if (aPoint.x >= self.origin.x && aPoint.x <= self.origin.x + self.width && aPoint.y >= self.origin.y && aPoint.y <= self.origin.y + self.height) {
return YES;
else return NO;
-(Rectangle*) intersect: (Rectangle*) intr
Rectangle *zerorec = [[Rectangle alloc]init];
Rectangle *rec1 = [[Rectangle alloc]init];
Rectangle *rec2 = [[Rectangle alloc]init];
zerorec.origin.x = 0;
zerorec.origin.y = 0;
zerorec.height = 0;
zerorec.width = 0;
if ((self.origin.x >= intr.origin.x && self.origin.x <= intr.origin.x + intr.width) || (intr.origin.x >= self.origin.x && intr.origin.x >= self.origin.x + self.width))
if ((self.origin.y >= intr.origin.y && self.origin.y <= intr.origin.y + intr.height) || (intr.origin.y >= self.origin.y && intr.origin.y >= self.origin.y + self.height))
NSLog(@"The rectangles intersect");
//rec 1 = the rectangle with the greater x value
if (self.origin.x >= intr.origin.x && self.origin.x <= intr.origin.x + intr.width)
rec1 = self, rec1.origin = self.origin, rec2 = intr, rec2.origin = intr.origin;
else rec2 = self, rec2.origin = self.origin, rec1 = intr, rec1.origin = intr.origin;
Rectangle *returnedRec = [[Rectangle alloc]init];
returnedRec.origin.x = rec1.origin.x;
returnedRec.origin.y = rec2.origin.y;
//rec 1 = rectangle with greater y value
if (self.origin.y > intr.origin.y)
rec1 = self, rec2 = intr;
else rec1 = intr, rec2 = self;
returnedRec.height = rec1.height - (rec1.origin.y - rec2.origin.y);
returnedRec.width = rec1.width - (rec2.origin.y - rec1.origin.y);
return returnedRec;
else return zerorec;
@implementation XYPoint
@synthesize x, y;
-(void) setX:(float) xVal andY:(float) yVal
x = xVal;
y = yVal;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Rectangle.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
Rectangle *returnedRect = [[Rectangle alloc]init];
Rectangle *myRect = [[Rectangle alloc]init];
Rectangle *yourRect = [[Rectangle alloc]init];
[myRect.origin setX:3 andY: 2];
[myRect setHeight:4 andWidth:5];
[yourRect.origin setX:6 andY:4];
[yourRect setHeight:7 andWidth:9];
myRect.origin.x = 2;
myRect.origin.y = 3;
returnedRect = [myRect intersect:yourRect];
NSLog(@"x = %f, y = %f", returnedRect.origin.x, returnedRect.origin.y);
NSLog(@"height = %f, width = %f", returnedRect.height, returnedRect.width);
NSLog(@"%f, %f", myRect.origin.x, myRect.origin.y);
return 0;
As you can see, I tried using the setX andY method along with setting the x and y values explicitly and the program still returns a value of 0 for the x and y values of myRect.origin.
Your origin is always nil because you never create an object of XYPoint. Add this to your Rectangle class:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
origin = [[XYPoint alloc] init];
return self;