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How to properly reset _bstr_t to `NULL`

In the snippet bellow (simplified scenario of a loop)

_bstr_t original(OLESTR("MyString")); // ref-count = 1
_bstr_t another;
another = original; // ref-count = 2
// do something with another
another.Assign(NULL); // expected: ref-count = 1, and another = NULL
// reset another to NULL before doing other operations

What I expect after another.Assign(NULL) is:

  • SysFreeString() is NOT called
  • another is set to NULL
  • ref-count is decremented to 1
  • original has ref count=1 with existing BSTR content.

What happened:

  • SysFreeString() is called for underlying BSTR of both another and original
  • another is set to NULL
  • ref-count of original remains 2

another.Assign(NULL) seems to deallocate the underlying BSTR for both original and another.
We had unexpected crash because during coding I thought _bstr_t::Assign() will decrement the ref count instead of straight away deallocating the BSTR.

How do I properly reset another to NULL without affecting original?

Please find bellow implementation of Assign from VC++ 6.

// assignment operator copies internal data and increases reference count
inline _bstr_t& _bstr_t::operator=(const _bstr_t& s) throw()
    m_Data = s.m_Data;

    return *this;
// but _bstr_t::Assign() calls _bstr_t::Data_t::Assign() 
// without touching ref count
inline void _bstr_t::Assign(BSTR s) throw(_com_error)
    if (m_Data != NULL) {
    else {
        m_Data = new Data_t(s, TRUE);
        if (m_Data == NULL) {
// it calls _bstr_t::Data_t::_Free() instead of _bstr_t::_Free() !
inline void _bstr_t::Data_t::Assign(BSTR s) throw(_com_error)
    if (s != NULL) {
        m_wstr = ::SysAllocStringByteLen(reinterpret_cast<char*>(s), 
// this _Free() straight away deallocates the BSTR!
inline void _bstr_t::Data_t::_Free() throw()
    if (m_wstr != NULL) {

    if (m_str != NULL) {
        delete [] m_str;
// properly decrements ref count
inline void _bstr_t::_Free() throw()
    if (m_Data != NULL) {
        m_Data = NULL;


  • The implementation of _bstr_t::Assign() has been updated as mentioned by Igor Tandetnik in his comment.

    Here's the implementation in VS2010 and it works as expected:

    inline void _bstr_t::Assign(BSTR s) 
        _COM_ASSERT(s == NULL || m_Data == NULL || m_Data->GetWString() != s);
        if (s == NULL || m_Data == NULL || m_Data->GetWString() != s)
            m_Data = new Data_t(s, TRUE);
            if (m_Data == NULL) {