Is it possible to capitalize a word using string formatting? For example,
"{user} did such and such.".format(user="foobar")
should return "Foobar did such and such."
Note that I'm well aware of .capitalize()
; however, here's a (very simplified version of) code I'm using:
printme = random.choice(["On {date}, {user} did la-dee-dah. ",
"{user} did la-dee-dah on {date}. "
output = printme.format(user=x,date=y)
As you can see, just defining user
as x.capitalize()
in the .format()
doesn't work, since then it would also be applied (incorrectly) to the first scenario. And since I can't predict fate, there's no way of knowing which random.choice
would be selected in advance. What can I do?
Addt'l note: Just doing output = random.choice(['xyz'.format(),'lmn'.format()])
(in other words, formatting each string individually, and then using .capitalize()
for the ones that need it) isn't a viable option, since printme
is actually choosing from ~40+ strings.
You can create your own subclass of string.Formatter
which will allow you to recognize a custom conversion that you can use to recase your strings.
myformatter.format('{user!u} did la-dee-dah on {date}, and {pronoun!l} liked it. ',
user=x, date=y, pronoun=z)