The question might sound strange because I know I enforce a strange situation> It came up by accident (a bug one might say) and I even know hot to avoid it, so please skip that part.
I would really like to understand the behaviour I see.
The point of the function is to add all files with a given prefix in a directory to an archive. I noticed that even despite a "bug", the program works correctly (sic!). I wanted to understand why.
The code is fairly simple so I allow myself to post whole function:
def pack(prefix, custom_meta_files = []):
postfix = 'tgz'
if prefix[-1] != '.':
postfix = '.tgz'
archive =, "w:gz")
files = filter(lambda path: path.startswith(prefix), os.listdir())
#print('files: {0}'.format(list(files)))
for file in files:
print('packing `{0}`'.format(file))
archive_name = file[len(prefix):] #skip prefix + dot
archive.add(file, archive_name)
not_doubled_metas = set(custom_meta_files) - set(archive.getnames())
print('metas to add: {0}'.format(not_doubled_metas))
for meta in not_doubled_metas:
print('packing `{0}`'.format(meta))
As one can notice I create the archive with the prefix
, and then I create a list of files to pack by by listing everything in cwd
and filter it via the lambda. Naturally the archive passes the filter. There is also a snippet to add fixed files if the names do not overlap, although it is not important I think.
So the output from such run is e.g:
packing `ga_run.seq_niche.N30.1.bt0_5K.params`
packing `ga_run.seq_niche.N30.1.bt0_5K.stats`
packing `ga_run.seq_niche.N30.1.bt0_5K.tgz`
metas to add: {'stats.meta'}
packing `stats.meta`
contents:['params', 'stats', 'stats.meta']
So the script tried adding itself, however it does not appear in the final contents. I do not know what is the expected behaviour, but there is no warning at all and the documentation does not mention anything. I read the parts about methods to add members and used search for itself
and same name
I would assume it is automatically skipped, but I don't know how to acutally check it. I would personally expect to add a zero length file as member, however I understand skipping as I makes more sense actually.
Question Is it a desired behaviour in tarfile.add()
to ignore adding the archive to itself? Where is it said?
Scanning the
code from 3.2 to 2.4 they all have code similar to:
# Skip if somebody tries to archive the archive...
if is not None and os.path.abspath(name) ==
self._dbg(2, "tarfile: Skipped %r" % name)