I found this python code on the forums as an answer to something that relates to my problem. I don't really understand python, so can somebody tell me why this isn't working?
(Some background information: I have a web form that get automatically emailed to openERP, which then automatically creates a lead. However, when a lead is created, info like phone and name do not get read from the email and sorted into their corresponding fields in the lead's form.)
# You can use the following variables:
# - self: ORM model of the record on which the action is triggered
# - object: browse_record of the record on which the action is triggered if there is one, otherwise None
# - pool: ORM model pool (i.e. self.pool)
# - time: Python time module
# - cr: database cursor
# - uid: current user id
# - context: current context
# If you plan to return an action, assign: action = {...}
def parse_description(description):
there is parse function
It is example for parsing messages like this:
Name: John
Phone: +100500
for line in description.split('\n'):
for field in fields:
if field in line:
if len(split_line)>1:
return dict
I got these traceback while I am fetching mail
2014-07-01 13:39:40,188 4992 INFO v8_demo openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread: Routing
mail from Atul Jain <jain.atul43@gmail.com> to jain.atul10@hotmail.com with
Message-Id <CAG=2G76_SRthL3ybGGyx2Lai5H=RMNxUOjRRR=+5-ODrcgtEZw@mail.gmail.com>:
fallback to model:crm.lead, thread_id:False, custom_values:None, uid:1
2014-07-01 13:39:40,445 4992 ERROR v8_demo openerp.addons.fetchmail.fetchmail:
Failed to fetch mail from imap server Gmail.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/atul/openerp-8/openerp/addons/fetchmail/fetchmail.py", line 206, in
action_pool.run(cr, uid, [server.action_id.id], {'active_id': res_id, 'active_ids'
:[res_id], 'active_model': context.get("thread_model", server.object_id.model)})
File "/home/atul/openerp-8/openerp/addons/base/ir/ir_actions.py", line 967, in run
res = func(cr, uid, action, eval_context=eval_context, context=run_context)
File "/home/atul/openerp-8/openerp/addons/base/ir/ir_actions.py", line 805,
in run_action_code_multi
eval(action.code.strip(), eval_context, mode="exec", nocopy=True) # nocopy allows
to return 'action'
File "/home/atul/openerp-8/openerp/tools/safe_eval.py", line 254, in safe_eval
return eval(c, globals_dict, locals_dict)
File "", line 14, in <module>
File "", line 4, in parse_description
ValueError: "'bool' object has no attribute 'lower'" while evaluating
u"def parse_description(description):
for line in description.split('\\n'):
for field in fields:
if field in line:
if len(split_line)>1:
return _dict
self.write(cr,uid,context['active_id'],{ 'partner_name':_dict.get('name'), 'contact_name':_dict.get('name'),
Please help me in understanding the problem.
I've fixed the parse_description function:
def parse_description(description):
there is parse function
It is example for parsing messages like this:
Name: John
Phone: +100500
for line in description.split('\n'):
for field in fields:
if field in line:
if len(split_line)>1:
return _dict
values to lower case because all operations on the description are on description.lower()
, you are splitting line to get your result. This has already been done: split_line=line.split(':')
so you can just replace the pre_dict
line with pre_dict[field]=split_line[1]
, which hasn't been referenced before. I think you mean to use _dict
so the line should be _dict[field]=split_line[1]
which is a type, not a variable. You probably want it to return the dictionary which contains the field data, so it should return _dict
instead; otherwise you'll always get the result <type 'dict'>
As for the remaining code, there's not enough context for me to understand what's happening or what's wrong. At least the parse_description
function should be working now.