I'm trying to recharge my treeview using dynatree and expand in the same place where I left off, but I can not. I'm carrying it whole, making a query in mvc using oracle and returning a shortlist dynatree with the keys already defined.
My code:
selectMode: 3,
clickFolderMode: 3,
initAjax: {
type: "POST",
url: "/controller/GetTree"
To recharge the record insert via ajax mvc, the only way to upgrade is to give reload the treeview, so:
then try to expand or getnodebykey use, but still does not work
$("#tree").dynatree("getRoot").visit(function (node) {
There is a cookie persistence functionality or you can do it with something like tree.selectKey(val).Expand();
where val is the key of what you need to expand.
You can also use the generateIds:true;
option when creating the tree so you can access directly the nodes if know the id and can use jquery selector.