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flask-classy and peewee, metaclass conflict error

I'm trying to get my user class to work with both BaseModel and FlaskView. This results in the metaclass conflict error and I can't solve it.

Things I have tried to fix the problem:
This didn't work because of the from noconflict import classmaker. The example is from June 2003. Maybe it is too old? I'm running on python 2.7.3.

Also tried this solution, see the code blocks below. I get this error: AttributeError: type object 'BaseModel' has no attribute 'metaclass'
Double inheritance causes metaclass conflict

from base_model import BaseModel
from flask.ext.classy import FlaskView

class CombinedMeta(BaseModel.__metaclass__, FlaskView.__metaclass__):

from peewee import *
#sqlite is used for easy testing.
mysql_db = SqliteDatabase('test.db')

class BaseModel(Model):

    class Meta:
        database = mysql_db

from combined_meta import CombinedMeta
from base_model import BaseModel
from flask.ext.classy import FlaskView
from flask.ext.classy import route
from peewee import *
from flask import request
from utility import response_json
from utility import send_email
from utility import random_string

class User(BaseModel, FlaskView):
    __metaclass__ = CombinedMeta

    @route('/<username>', methods=['GET'])
    def read_user(self, username):
        #cool method stuff

When I change the BaseModel class to the following code I get a new error.
class BaseModel(Model): TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases this constructor takes no arguments

from peewee import *
#sqlite is used for easy testing.
mysql_db = SqliteDatabase('test.db')

class BaseModel(Model):

    class Meta:
        database = mysql_db

    __metaclass__ = Meta

I have no idea how I can fix this, I'm new to Python. My main goal is to get the program working with multiple classes. That is why I'm trying to get flask classy to work.

A way to fix this problem without flask classy is just as welcome as any other fix. If not using flask classy is more easy I'll give that a try.

When calling the metaclass bases, object.__init__() takes no parameters

class Meta(type):
    database = mysql_db

When I change the code to this I get the following error:
TypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases


  • I managed to solve the problem by not using flask-classy. Instead I'm using blueprints, flask documentation. I no longer need both BaseModel and FlakView, only the BaseModel is needed now.

    Here is my working code:
    I no longer need FlaskView because I don't use flak-classy anymore. No more meteclass error!

    from flask import Flask
    import user
    app = Flask(__name__)

    from base_model import BaseModel
    class User(BaseModel):
        username = CharField(primary_key=True)
        password = CharField(null=False)
    bp = Blueprint('user', __name__)
    @bp.route('/user/method', method=['GET'])
    def method()
    #method stuff