I accidentally deleted some rows from the database. But I already have daily database backups.
How can I restore only deleted records from the backup database?
Thanks in advance
You didn't say a database server, so I can't be sure this will work, but I believe the syntax on MSSQL would be:
UPDATE livefile
SET livefile.bloodtypefield=oldfile.bloodtypefieild
FROM [hospital].[dbo].[tblPatientFile] livefile
INNER JOIN [hospitalRapor].[dbo].[tblPatientFile] oldfile on livefile.patientid=oldfile.patientid
I highly recommend running on a test database first to make sure it has the results you want. You will of course need a user who has access to both databases and depending on whether you have triggers etc defined that may take a long time to run on 400k rows.