I have GitBlit V1.2.1 Running on Jboss V7.1.1.Final Each time i restart Jboss, GitBlit (Cant Read/looses) the repositories i had.
After Searching for the repos i found one in:
C:\Program Files\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\standalone\tmp\vfs\temp80c1b03732519896\gitblit.war-c0e0d54fb24b902\WEB-INF\data\git\test.git
What should be done to make sure that GitBlit dose not loose the repositories after Jboss restarts?
By default, Gitblit WAR stores it's data within the webapp folder. The Gitblit WAR setup instructions recommend that you should manually specify a new baseFolder value in the web.xml file.