I would like to know how to add a native method written in a C extension to a pre-existing Ruby class ? I only found function that allow you to create new Ruby class, but none which returns a pre-existing class.
Yes you can. In either case you use rb_define_method
(or rb_define_singleton_method
for singleton methods). Assuming you have a c function called rb_some_function
that expects 1 parameter (in addition to the self parameter) you'd do
It's up to you whether someClass is a freshly created class (created with rb_define_class_under
or rb_define_class
) or an existing class. You can use rb_const_get
(same as Object's const_get
) method to get existing classes.
someClass = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("SomeClass"));
will also fetch an existing class for you (similar to reopening a class in ruby). It will blow up in a similar way if you try to define a class with a superclass and the class already exists with a different one.