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PHP paging from MySQL

I have problem with my paging PHP script. First page works perfectly, but next pages are blank. Config.php include database setting like host etc. Please help me solve my problem. Thanks in advance.

Here is my code:

include 'config.php';
mysql_connect($iplogow, $userlogow, $haslologow) or die("Mysql error: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($bazalogow)or die("Błąd bazy danych: " . mysql_error());

        echo '<br>
            <table class="table table-bordered table-striped" width="500px">

        $result = mysql_query("SELECT Count(id) FROM `logi`");
        $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
        $count_users = $row[0];

        $per_page = 10;

        $pages = ceil($count_users / $per_page);

        $current_page = !isset($_GET['page']) ? 1 : (int)clear($_GET['page']);

        if($current_page < 1 || $current_page > $pages) {
            $current_page = 1;

        if($count_users > 0) {
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `logi` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT ".($per_page*($current_page-1)).", ".$per_page);
            while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                echo '<tr>
        } else {
            echo '<tr>
                <td colspan="3" style="text-align:center">Niestety nie znaleziono żadnych ataków.</td>
        echo '</table>';

        if($pages > 0) { 
            echo '<p>';
            if($pages < 11) {
                for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
                    if($i == $current_page) {
                        echo '<b>['.$current_page.']</b> ';
                    } else {
                        echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.$i.'">['.$i.']</a> ';
            } elseif($current_page > 10) {
                echo '<a href="ataki.php?page=1">[1]</a> ';
                echo '<a href="ataki.php?page=2">[2]</a> ';
                echo '[...] ';
                for($i = ($current_page-3); $i <= $current_page; $i++) {
                    if($i == $current_page) {
                        echo '<b>['.$current_page.']</b> ';
                    } else {
                        echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.$i.'">['.$i.']</a> ';
                for($i = ($current_page+1); $i <= ($current_page+3); $i++) {
                    if($i > ($pages)) break;
                    if($i == $current_page) {
                        echo '<b>['.$current_page.']</b> ';
                    } else {
                        echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.$i.'">['.$i.']</a> ';
                if($current_page < ($pages-4)) {
                    echo '[...] ';
                    echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.($pages-1).'">['.($pages-1).']</a> ';
                    echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.$pages.'">['.$pages.']</a> ';
                } elseif($current_page == ($pages-4)) {
                    echo '[...] ';
                    echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.$pages.'">['.$pages.']</a> ';
            } else {
                for($i = 1; $i <= 11; $i++) {
                    if($i == $current_page) {
                        if($i > ($pages)) break;
                        echo '<b>['.$current_page.']</b> ';
                    } else {
                        echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.$i.'">['.$i.']</a> ';
                if($pages > 12) {
                    echo '[...] ';
                    echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.($pages-1).'">['.($pages-1).']</a> ';
                    echo '<a href="ataki.php?page='.$pages.'">['.$pages.']</a> ';
                } elseif($pages == 12) {
                    echo '[...] ';
                    echo '<a href="ataki.php?page=12">[12]</a> ';
            echo '</p>';


  • Have you included the clear() function?

    Look at line: $current_page = !isset($_GET['page']) ? 1 : (int)clear($_GET['page']);

    If you have not included the function then you will get a fatal error in the execution of the script. Try to remove the clear() all together and see what happens, the changed line should be

    $current_page = !isset($_GET['page']) ? 1 : $_GET['page'];