As the table is mutating the following trigger does not work as I believe the SQL statement within the trigger cannot be executed against a mutating table, however as I am not on 11g I cannot create a compound trigger. I have tried including PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS TRANSACTION;
in the declaration section, however this would not compile. Could anyone provide me with the best solution?
create or replace
trigger fb_pers_id_check2_tr
--after insert on ifsapp.person_info_tab
before insert on ifsapp.person_info_tab
for each row
-- pragma autonomous_transaction;
v_pid_ person_info_tab.person_id%type;
v_pid_ := :new.person_id;
select regexp_replace(upper(, '\W')
into format_name_
from ifsapp.person_info_tab
where person_id = v_pid_;
if length(v_pid_) < 3 and (length(format_name_) < 21 and v_pid_ <> format_name_) then
raise_application_error(-20001, 'Person ID: ' || v_pid_ || 'is not valid, please enter a valid Person ID, e.g. "' || format_name_ || '".');
end if;
end fb_pers_id_check2_tr;
N.B. In plain English this trigger is intended to stop users setting a person id that is less than 3 characters long and does not equal variable 'format_name_' if it is less than 21 characters long.
Oracle doesn't allow a row trigger to read or modify the table on which the trigger is defined. However, if PERSON_ID is a PRIMARY or UNIQUE key on PERSON_INFO_TAB (which seems to be the case given that it's used in a singleton SELECT) you don't really need to read the table - just use the OLD or NEW values where appropriate:
create or replace trigger fb_pers_id_check2_tr
before insert on ifsapp.person_info_tab
for each row
v_pid_ person_info_tab.person_id%type;
v_pid_ := :new.person_id;
format_name_ := REGEXP_REPLACE(UPPER(, '\W');
if length(v_pid_) < 3 and
length(format_name_) < 21 and
v_pid_ <> format_name_
raise_application_error(-20001, 'Person ID: ' || v_pid_ ||
' is not valid, please enter a valid' ||
' Person ID, e.g. "' || format_name_ || '".');
end if;
end fb_pers_id_check2_tr;
Here the code is checking the NEW value of NAME (which I think is right, given that it appears to be validating input), but if the intent was to check the OLD value it's simple to change :NEW to :OLD in the REGEXP_REPLACE call.
Share and enjoy.