I have seen the other questions that deal with this issue and I know that PostgreSQL doesn't have an inbuilt upsert and must be done using 2 methods. This is the code I'm using in Ruby using the pg gem.
@db.exec_params("UPDATE crawled SET url = $1, timestamp = $2 WHERE url = $1",[url,DateTime.now])
@db.exec_params("INSERT INTO crawled (url, timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2) WHERE NOT EXISTS
(SELECT 1 FROM crawled WHERE url = $1)",[url,DateTime.now])
However when I run this I get a syntax error
exec_params': ERROR: syntax error at or near "WHERE" (PG::Error)
LINE 1: ...ERT INTO crawled (url, timestamp) VALUES ($1, $2) WHERE NOT ...
Where is my mistake?
just from looking at your example i have two questions.
which of the lines is causing the error?
should have been replaced with a table-name, shouldnt it? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-insert.html