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Start Raspberry Pi without login

I would like to ask you if there is any way to start raspberry pi (using Raspbian) without login and password and to move directly to the GUI. Like Windows for example.


  • Raspbian Wheezy:

    Following was taken from RPi Debian Auto Login page:

    Auto Login:

    In Terminal:

    sudo nano /etc/inittab

    Scroll down to:

    1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 115200 tty1

    and change to

    #1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 115200 tty1

    Under that line add:

    1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f pi tty1 </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1

    Ctrl+X to exit, Y to save followed by enter twice

    Auto StartX (Run LXDE):

    In Terminal:

    sudo nano /etc/rc.local

    Scroll to the bottom and add the following above exit 0:

    su -l pi -c startx

    Raspbian Jessie:

    Use raspi-config. If, for some magic reason this tool is not present on your system, install it:

    sudo apt-get install raspi-config

    Hard way:

    Link. Link.

    UPDATE 2019.05

    In recent distro there's a simpler way to fix this:

    At command prompt, type sudo raspi-config, then:

    • select option 3 in menu (Boot Options)
    • select option B1 (Desktopp/CLI)
    • select option B2 (Console Autologin)

    Hit OK, exit all the way and restart.

    Update 2019.05 credit belongs to Hasan A Yousef.