im working on a code-editor (WinForms) and i want to know how to do function of { and } specifically the auto-indention using brackets (open and close) like in actual code editor .
---|> { and }
like this 1:
Editor was a richtextbox named rtb.
Please read the following texts before reading and using codes:
I should say some tips for using the codes:
You can download the sample project from the following addresses:
4Shared -> Auto-Indention for Code Editor
SendSpace -> Auto-Indention for Code Editor
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication2
public partial class frmCodeEditor : Form
char[] chrTracingKeyChars = new char[] { ';', '}', '\n' };
char[] chrCheckingKeyChars = new char[] { '{', '(' };
Point ptCurrentCharPosition;
bool bolCheckCalling = false;
int intInitialCursorPosition = 0;
int intRemainingCharsOfInitialText = 0;
int intNextCharIndex = 0;
int intPrevCharIndex = 0;
public frmCodeEditor()
private void richTextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Implements Auto-Indention.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
private void AutoIndention(RichTextBox rtb)
char chrLastChar = GetChar(rtb);
if (chrLastChar == chrTracingKeyChars[0])
intRemainingCharsOfInitialText = rtb.TextLength - rtb.SelectionStart;
intInitialCursorPosition = rtb.SelectionStart;
else if (chrLastChar == chrTracingKeyChars[1])
else if (chrLastChar == chrTracingKeyChars[2])
/// <summary>
/// Specifies current char based on the cursor position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
/// <returns>Returns a char.</returns>
private char GetChar(RichTextBox rtb)
return GetChar(rtb.SelectionStart, rtb);
/// <summary>
/// Specifies a char based on the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="intCharIndex">A char index</param>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
/// <returns>Returns a char.</returns>
private char GetChar(int intCharIndex, RichTextBox rtb)
if (intCharIndex != rtb.TextLength)
ptCurrentCharPosition = rtb.GetPositionFromCharIndex(intCharIndex - 1);
ptCurrentCharPosition = rtb.GetPositionFromCharIndex(intCharIndex);
return rtb.GetCharFromPosition(ptCurrentCharPosition);
/// <summary>
/// Specifies current line number based on the cursor position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
/// <returns>Returns the line number.</returns>
private int GetLineNumber(RichTextBox rtb)
return GetLineNumber(rtb.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine(), rtb);
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the line number based on the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="intCharIndex">A char index</param>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
/// <returns>Returns the line number.</returns>
private int GetLineNumber(int intCharIndex, RichTextBox rtb)
return rtb.GetLineFromCharIndex(intCharIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Implements indention for semicolon ";" character.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
private void ImplementIndentionForSemicolon(RichTextBox rtb)
Dictionary<char, int> dicResult = IsExistCheckingKeyChars(rtb);
if (dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]] != -1)
int intIndentionLevel = CheckingIndentionLevel(dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]], rtb);
ImplementIndention(dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]], intIndentionLevel, rtb);
private void ImplementIndentionForRightCurlyBracket(RichTextBox rtb)
private void ImplementIndentionForNewLineCharacter(RichTextBox rtb)
/// <summary>
/// Checks current and previous lines for finding key-chars.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
/// <param name="bolSearchCurrentLine">The search state</param>
/// <returns>Returns first occurrences of key-chars before current char.</returns>
private Dictionary<char, int> IsExistCheckingKeyChars(RichTextBox rtb, bool bolSearchCurrentLine = false)
Dictionary<char, int> dicCheckingKeyCharsIndexes = new Dictionary<char, int>();
for (int intCntr = 0; intCntr < chrCheckingKeyChars.Length; intCntr++)
dicCheckingKeyCharsIndexes.Add(chrCheckingKeyChars[intCntr], 0);
for (int intCntr = 0; intCntr < chrCheckingKeyChars.Length; intCntr++)
int intFirstIndexForChecking = 0;
int intLastIndexForChecking = 0;
for (int intLineCounter = GetLineNumber(rtb); intLineCounter >= 0; intLineCounter--)
if (intLineCounter == GetLineNumber(rtb))
intLastIndexForChecking = rtb.GetCharIndexFromPosition(ptCurrentCharPosition);
intLastIndexForChecking = intFirstIndexForChecking - 1;
intFirstIndexForChecking = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(intLineCounter);
dicCheckingKeyCharsIndexes[chrCheckingKeyChars[intCntr]] = rtb.Find(chrCheckingKeyChars[intCntr].ToString(), intFirstIndexForChecking,
rtb.GetCharIndexFromPosition(ptCurrentCharPosition), RichTextBoxFinds.NoHighlight | RichTextBoxFinds.None);
if (dicCheckingKeyCharsIndexes[chrCheckingKeyChars[intCntr]] != -1)
if (rtb.Find(chrCheckingKeyChars[intCntr].ToString(), intFirstIndexForChecking, rtb.GetCharIndexFromPosition(ptCurrentCharPosition),
RichTextBoxFinds.NoHighlight | RichTextBoxFinds.None) != -1)
dicCheckingKeyCharsIndexes[chrCheckingKeyChars[intCntr]] = rtb.Find(chrCheckingKeyChars[intCntr].ToString(), intFirstIndexForChecking,
rtb.GetCharIndexFromPosition(ptCurrentCharPosition), RichTextBoxFinds.NoHighlight | RichTextBoxFinds.None);
} while (intFirstIndexForChecking != rtb.GetCharIndexFromPosition(ptCurrentCharPosition));
dicCheckingKeyCharsIndexes[chrCheckingKeyChars[intCntr]] = -1;
if (bolSearchCurrentLine)
return dicCheckingKeyCharsIndexes;
/// <summary>
/// Checks a line for calculating its indention level.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="intCharIndex">A char index</param>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
/// <returns>Returns indention level of the line.</returns>
private int CheckingIndentionLevel(int intCharIndex, RichTextBox rtb)
int intLineNumber = GetLineNumber(intCharIndex, rtb);
int intIndentionLevelNumber = 0;
intCharIndex = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(intLineNumber);
char chrChar = GetChar(intCharIndex, rtb);
if (chrChar == '\n')
chrChar = GetChar(++intCharIndex, rtb);
if (chrChar != ' ')
return 0;
int intSpaceCntr = 0;
while(chrChar == ' ')
chrChar = GetChar(++intCharIndex, rtb);
if (chrChar == ' ')
if (intSpaceCntr % 4 == 0 && intSpaceCntr != 0)
intSpaceCntr = 0;
if (intSpaceCntr % 4 != 0)
return intIndentionLevelNumber;
/// <summary>
/// Implements Indention to the codes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="intCharIndex">A char index</param>
/// <param name="intIndentionLevel">The number of indention level</param>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
private void ImplementIndention(int intCharIndex, int intIndentionLevel, RichTextBox rtb)
intNextCharIndex = intCharIndex;
intPrevCharIndex = intCharIndex;
int intKeyCharsNumberInLine = 1;
int intCurrentLineNumber = GetLineNumber(rtb);
int intKeyCharLineNumber = GetLineNumber(intNextCharIndex, rtb);
string[] strLinesTexts;
Dictionary<char, int> dicResult;
rtb.SelectionStart = intPrevCharIndex;
dicResult = IsExistCheckingKeyChars(rtb);
if (dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]] != -1)
intPrevCharIndex = dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]];
} while (dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]] != -1);
if (!bolCheckCalling)
if (intCurrentLineNumber == intKeyCharLineNumber)
for (int intCntr = 1; intCntr <= intKeyCharsNumberInLine; intCntr++)
rtb.SelectionStart = intPrevCharIndex;
dicResult = IsExistCheckingKeyChars(rtb, true);
if (dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]] != -1)
intPrevCharIndex = dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]];
} while (dicResult[chrCheckingKeyChars[0]] != -1);
bolCheckCalling = true;
ImplementIndention(intPrevCharIndex, rtb);
bolCheckCalling = false;
rtb.SelectionStart = intNextCharIndex;
rtb.SelectionLength = 1;
rtb.SelectedText = "\n" + rtb.SelectedText;
intCurrentLineNumber = GetLineNumber(rtb);
strLinesTexts = rtb.Lines;
strLinesTexts[intCurrentLineNumber] = strLinesTexts[intCurrentLineNumber].Trim();
for (int intIndentionCntr = 1; intIndentionCntr <= intIndentionLevel; intIndentionCntr++)
for (int intSpaceCntr = 1; intSpaceCntr <= 4; intSpaceCntr++)
strLinesTexts[intCurrentLineNumber] = ' ' + strLinesTexts[intCurrentLineNumber];
rtb.Lines = strLinesTexts;
rtb.SelectionStart = intNextCharIndex + ((intIndentionLevel * 4) + 1);
intNextCharIndex = rtb.SelectionStart;
rtb.SelectionLength = 1;
rtb.SelectedText = rtb.SelectedText + "\n";
intCurrentLineNumber = GetLineNumber(rtb);
strLinesTexts = rtb.Lines;
strLinesTexts[intCurrentLineNumber] = strLinesTexts[intCurrentLineNumber].Trim();
for (int intIndentionCntr = 1; intIndentionCntr <= intIndentionLevel + 1; intIndentionCntr++)
for (int intSpaceCntr = 1; intSpaceCntr <= 4; intSpaceCntr++)
strLinesTexts[intCurrentLineNumber] = ' ' + strLinesTexts[intCurrentLineNumber];
rtb.Lines = strLinesTexts;
rtb.SelectionStart = intInitialCursorPosition + ((rtb.TextLength - intInitialCursorPosition) - intRemainingCharsOfInitialText);
intNextCharIndex = rtb.SelectionStart;
intPrevCharIndex = intNextCharIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Implements Indention to the codes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="intCharIndex">A char index</param>
/// <param name="rtb">A RichTextBox control</param>
private void ImplementIndention(int intCharIndex, RichTextBox rtb)
int intIndentionLevel = CheckingIndentionLevel(intCharIndex, rtb);
ImplementIndention(intCharIndex, intIndentionLevel, rtb);
I hope that this sample codes can help you.
Please update and share codes, if you improve them.