Search code examples

MBProgressHud not hiding after calling hide from another class

I have a ViewController called GetInfoViewController. Basically it takes the users input and then sends the input to a NSObject class, ServerConnection. ServerConnection makes a nsurlconnection request and when it is done I want the MBProgressHUD to hide.


    - (IBAction)go:(id)sender{

    ServerConnection *serverConnection = [[ServerConnection alloc]init];

    MBProgressHUD *HUD = [MBProgressHUD showHUDAddedTo:self.view animated:YES];
    HUD.labelText = @"Searching...";

// here the progressHUD shows normally, and the yelpConnectionMethod is successful in retrieving the result.

    [serverConnection yelpConnectionMethod];


    NSLog(@"end called");

    [MBProgressHUD hideHUDForView:self.view animated:YES];


I am not going to put all the nsurlconnection code because I don't think it really applies.. but if you want it I can post it

The only line that matters is: (this is called after all the connections are done.)

GetInfoViewController *getinfoVC = [[GetInfoViewController alloc]init];
[getinfoVC endProgressHUD];

I call the endProgressHUD method of the getInfoViewController successfully, as it logs "end called". however, the progress hud stays spinning and does not hide.

Any input would be helpful.


  • Try this method when showing the HUD.

    - (void)showWhileExecuting:(SEL)method onTarget:(id)target withObject:(id)object animated:(BOOL)animated;

    It is a method of MBProgressHUD - selector should be the yelpConnectionMethod and target the serverConnection, object = nil and animated depends on you :)