When I decided to start using php framework, I have gone for CodeIgniter because of I didn't have much learning time, I had strict project dead-line. I actually wanted Zend Framework so much. I'm happy with CI so far... But I'm about to start a big hotels directory project like kayak.com . My project will not have so big db of course, but structure will be similar.
Now I worry if I make mistake to start such project with CI :-S Would it be pain in ass at the project development process. I'm not sure how strong and reliable CI is for such projects :/
I appreciate advices so much!! thanks!!
Both have there pros and cons, ZF is a much stricter framework the CI, in that CI themselves say that you need not use models (which is a bad habit to get into). Zend has far greater supporting libraries, the authentication libraries for CI are pretty poor to be honest, while zends authentication is pretty, it comes with an ACL library as part of its core. My choice would be Zend.
====In response to your comment=====
I would think that if you have used CI then you have some knowledge about MVC even if you CI has put you in a habit of using it badly. Zend has amazing documentation and support so any stumbling blocks you may reach in the convertion from CI to Zend would easily be solved. It may cause a few sleepless nights, but surely that is small price to pay for adding another feather to your cap?