I have a simple JDialog
with a progress bar and I want it to have a JLabel
that goes like:
Working. --> Working.. --> Working...
about every .25 seconds.
Would I just run a continuous loop repeatedly setting the JLabel
's text?
I know this must be a simple solution, but I cannot seem to find it anywhere!
Per @David's response below. Here is the bulk of my WorkingDialog (which extends JDialog) constructor:
final JLabel lblWorking = new JLabel("Working.");
contentPanel.add(lblWorking, gbc_lblWorking);
SwingWorker<Void, Void> sw = new SwingWorker<Void, Void>()
protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception
while (!isCancelled())
if (!lblWorking.getText().equals("Working..."))
} else
lblWorking.setText(lblWorking.getText() + ".");
return null;
And when I call new WorkingDialog() the frame comes up but thats about it. Does anyone know why?
Create a daemon that will update your label every 0.25 seconds. Dont forget to use SwingUtils.invokeLater() when updating the label.
I guess you should be able to do it with SwingWorker too.