I wish to display a toast to the screen when a certain condition is met within my static method as shown below:
public static void setAuth(String a) {
String[] nameparts1;
if (a.trim().isEmpty()) {
author = "Author's Name";
firstinit1 = "Initial";
surname1 = "Surname";
if (a == 'X') {
Toast ifx = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Please enter name in correct format.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
However this gives me the error: 'Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getApplicationContext() from the type ContextWrapper'.
Hopefully I have provided enough information here. Any help would be much appreciated!
Pass the context in as a parameter (in the call, use getApplicationContext() as the input) and in the static function, use context:
public static void setAuth(String a, Context context) {
Toast ifx = Toast.makeText(context, "Please enter name in correct format.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
And in the function call
setAuth("Some String",getApplicationContext());